
26 iul.

„Love and Age” de Thomas Love Peacock

I Play’d with you ‘mid cowslips blowing,
When I was six and you were four;
When garlands weaving, flower-balls throwing,
Were pleasures soon to please no more.
Through groves and meads, o’er grass and heather,
With little playmates, to and fro,
We wander’d hand in hand together;
But that was sixty years ago.
Zburdam cu tine prin aglici,
Tu cinci, eu şapte-ani având;
Făceam din flori ghirlande mici,
Plăceri ce le-am uitat curând.
Umblam cu alţi zglobii ca noi
Pe deal, prin crâng, livezi şi lunci,
Tot mână-n mână amândoi –
Dar ani şaizeci au curs de-atunci.

Continuare »

10 feb.

„For my own Monument” de Matthew Prior

As doctors give physic by way of prevention,
Mat, alive and in health, of his tombstone took care;
For delays are unsafe, and his pious intention
May haply be never fulfill’d by his heir.
Cum vracii scriu leacuri în chip preventiv,
Viu, Mat şi-a tocmit monument funerar;
Nu-i bună-amânarea – pe simplul motiv
Că-l poate omite al său legatar.

Continuare »

06 mai

„Robin Hood and the Widow’s Three Sons”

There are twelve months in all the year,
As I hear many men say,
But the merriest month in all the year
Is the merry month of may.
În an sunt două – ori şase luni –
Aşa se povesteşte –
Dar cea mai mândră dintre toate
E luna mai, fireşte!

Continuare »

01 apr.

„The Crafty Farmer”

The song that I ‘m going to sing,
I hope it will give you content,
Concerning a silly old nian,
That was going to pay his rent.
Poate v-o place-această-a mea
Poveste bătrânească
Despre-un moşneag ce se ducea
Arenda să plătească.

Continuare »

11 iun.

„Thomas The Rhymer”

True Thomas lay on Huntlie bank;
A ferlie he spied wi’ his e’e;
And there he saw a ladye bright
Come riding down by the Eildon Tree.
Şedea pe-un mal, în Huntly, Thomas
Şi-l cuprindea mare mirare;
Pe sub aripi, o doamnă-aleasă
Se-apropie de el călare.

Continuare »

16 apr.

„King John and The Bishop”

Off an ancient story Ile tell you anon,
Of a notable prince that was called King Iohn,
In England was borne, with maine and with might;
Hee did much wrong and mainteined litle right.
Povestea veche ce veţi asculta
E despre John, crai mare-n vremea sa,
Născut englez, tronând ca un satrap;
În toate celea şi-a făcut de cap.

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