26 iul.

„Love and Age” de Thomas Love Peacock

I Play’d with you ‘mid cowslips blowing,
When I was six and you were four;
When garlands weaving, flower-balls throwing,
Were pleasures soon to please no more.
Through groves and meads, o’er grass and heather,
With little playmates, to and fro,
We wander’d hand in hand together;
But that was sixty years ago.
Zburdam cu tine prin aglici,
Tu cinci, eu şapte-ani având;
Făceam din flori ghirlande mici,
Plăceri ce le-am uitat curând.
Umblam cu alţi zglobii ca noi
Pe deal, prin crâng, livezi şi lunci,
Tot mână-n mână amândoi –
Dar ani şaizeci au curs de-atunci.

You grew a lovely roseate maiden,
And still our early love was strong;
Still with no care our days were laden,
They glided joyously along;
And I did love you very dearly,
How dearly words want power to show;
I thought your heart was touch’d as nearly;
But that was fifty years ago.
Crescut-ai rumenă, nurlie
Şi ne legase vechiul dor;
A noastre zile-n veselie
Şi făr’ de griji zburau de zor;
Ci mult te mai iubeam – atât
Cât nu pot scri în slove ciungi;
Gândeam că şi tu… cât de cât –
Dar ani cincizeci au curs de-atunci.
Then other lovers came around you,
Your beauty grew from year to year,
And many a splendid circle found you
The centre of its glimmering sphere.
I saw you then, first vows forsaking,
On rank and wealth your hand bestow;
O, then I thought my heart was breaking!—
But that was forty years ago.
Alţi juni, apoi, te-mpresurară,
Erai mai mândră an de an,
Şi multe hore piatra rară
Te socotise, din colan,
Cum uiţi vechi prieteni te-am văzut
Vrând pân’ la rang şi-averi să-ajungi;
Şi, vai! că mor mi s-a părut –
Dar ani sunt patruzeci de-atunci.
And I lived on, to wed another:
No cause she gave me to repine;
And when I heard you were a mother,
I did not wish the children mine.
My own young flock, in fair progression,
Made up a pleasant Christmas row:
My joy in them was past expression;
But that was thirty years ago.
Iar eu cu alta mă-nsoţii,
Ce nu făcu să-mi pară rău;
Ci când aflai că ai copii,
Nu m-aş fi vrut bărbatul tău.
Căci eu i-aveam, frumoşi, pe-ai mei;
Cu mici, cu mari un pâlc de prunci;
Şi prea voios priveam la ei –
Dar ani treizeci au curs de-atunci…
You grew a matron plump and comely,
You dwelt in fashion’s brightest blaze;
My earthly lot was far more homely;
But I too had my festal days.
No merrier eyes have ever glisten’d
Around the hearth-stone’s wintry glow,
Than when my youngest child was christen’d;
But that was twenty years ago.
Tu petreceai trăind din plin,
Sporind în trup şi nuri mereu;
Fu mai de rând al meu destin;
Dar sărbători aveam şi eu.
Mai veseli ochi n-au scânteiat
Ca lângă vatra nopţii lungi
Când pe mezin l-am botezat –
.. Ani douăzeci au curs de-atunci.
Time pass’d. My eldest girl was married,
And I am now a grandsire gray;
One pet of four years old I’ve carried
Among the wild-flower’d meads to play.
In our old fields of childish pleasure,
Where now, as then, the cowslips blow,
She fills her basket’s ample measure;
And that is not ten years ago.
Trec anii; fiica mea mai mare
S-a măritat, ca să mă facă
Bunic albit: nepoţi să care
Cu el, prin flori de câmp, la joacă.
Unde-nfloresc şi azi aglici,
Pe plai unde-am zburdat de prunci,
El umple coşu-adânc – Şi nici
Ani zece nu s-au scurs de-atunci.
But though first love’s impassion’d blindness
Has pass’d away in colder light,
I still have thought of you with kindness,
And shall do, till our last good-night.
The ever-rolling silent hours
Will bring a time we shall not know,
When our young days of gathering flowers
Will be an hundred years ago.
Chiar dacă primul orb fior
Şi-a stins pojarul ceas de ceas,
De tine-mi fi-va veşnic dor
Pân’la finalul „bun-rămas”.
Fugarul timp are s-adune
Vremi noi, când despre anii prunci
Când culegeam aglici s-o spune
Că „a trecut un veac de-atunci”.
Thomas Love Peacock traducere de Tudor Dorin

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