25 mart.

Broken Leg

An old lady, who lived on the third floor of a boarding house, broke her leg. As the doctor put a cast on it, he warned her not to climb any stairs.

Several months later, the doctor took off the cast.
„Can I climb stairs now?” asked the little old lady.
„Yes,” he replied.
„Thank goodness!” she said. „I’m sick and tired of shinnying up and down that drainpipe!”

26 feb.


A doctor recently had a patient drop in on him for an unscheduled appointment. „What can I do for you today?” the Doctor asked.

The aged Gentleman replied: „Doctor, you must help me. Every time I make love to my wife, my eyes get all bleary, my legs go weak, I can hardly catch my breath… Doctor, I’m scared!”

The Doctor, looking at his 86 year old patient, said: „Mr. Smith, these sensations tend to happen over time, especially to a man of your advanced years, but tell me, when did you first notice these symptoms?”

The old gent’s response was: „Well… three times last night, and twice again this morning!”

06 oct.

At the Doctor

În sala de aşteptare

21 aug.


A man was wheeling himself frantically down the hall of the hospital in his wheelchair, just before his operation. A nurse stopped him and asked, „What’s the matter?”

He said, „I heard the nurse say, ‘It’s a very simple operation, don’t worry, I’m sure it will be all right.'”

„She was just trying to comfort you, what’s so frightening about that?”

„She wasn’t talking to me. She was talking to the doctor!”

07 aug.

Perfect Condition

Doctor: „Madame, I’d like to give you a thorough examination. Please take off all your clothes.”

Patient: „But doctor, I only stopped by for the blood test results. Dr. Johnson found me in perfect condition just yesterday.”

Doctor: „So he told me… so he told me.”

17 iun.


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