31 mart.

Being employed

Beneficiile de a fi salariat

26 mart.

Working from home

Meserii prestate la domiciliu

09 ian.

Started with a Virus

Justin, 7, had been ill, requiring several doctors’ visits and tests before a specialist came up with the final diagnosis and treatment. Afterwards, his mother asked him if he understood what the doctor had explained to him.

„No,” replied Justin, „not really.”

„Okay,” his mother replied, „The doctor said you started with a virus…”

At which Justin interrupted to ask, „Does that mean I need a new motherboard?”

18 dec.


Discuţie despre medicamente și rețete

01 dec.

medical terms

Expresii care vorbesc despre sănătatea individului

21 oct.


Discuţie la farmacie

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