02 dec.
„Sonet V” de William Shakespeare
Those hours, that with gentle work did frame The lovely gaze where every eye doth dwell Will play the tyrants to the very same, And that unfair which fairly doth excel; |
Acele ore care cu nesaţii au făurit privirea-ţi nepereche, vor fi tiranii propriei creaţii şi-o vor sluţi ca pe o mască veche. |
For never-resting time leads summer on To hideous winter, and confounds him there, Sap checked with frost, and lusty leaves quite gone, Beauty o’er-snowed, and bareness everywhere. |
Că timpul mişcător târăşte vara şi în hidoasa iarnă va s-o-ndrume, seve-nfrânează cu, de gheaţă, gheara şi-i frumuseţea ninsă, gol e-n lume. |
Then were not summer’s distillation left A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass, Beauty’s effect with beauty were bereft, Nor it nor no remembrance what it was. |
Din distilarea verii ne rămâne, fluid captiv între pereţi de sticlă, al frumuseţii duh, ajuns fărâme şi-apoi şi el prelins în marea frică. |
But flowers distilled, though they with winter meet, Lose but their show; their substance still lives sweet. |
Dar florile ce iernii-i înfrâng casna doar chipu-şi pierd. Rămâne-le mireasma… |
William Shakespeare | traducere de Gheorghe Tomozei |