23 sept.

„Sonet LXXXV” de William Shakespeare

My tongue-tied muse in manners holds her still,
While comments of your praise, richly compiled,
Reserve thy character with golden quill,
And precious phrase by all the muses filed.
E potolită muza mea, sărmana,
numai tălmacii slavei tale, iată,
în litere de aur moaie pana,
scriind cu toate muzele deodată.
I think good thoughts, whilst other write good words,
And like unlettered clerk still cry „Amen”
To every hymn that able spirit affords
In polished form of well-refinèd pen.
Gândesc de bine, altul gându-mi scrie,
copist cam necioplit, eu strig „Amin!”
la fiecare imn ce îl învie
condeiul cel de strălucire plin.
Hearing you praised, I say „‘Tis so, ‘tis true”,
And to the most of praise add something more;
But that is in my thought, whose love to you,
Though words come hindmost, holds his rank before.
Eşti lăudat şi strig „Aşa-i!” şi-n turmă
adaug încă laudei grozave
cuvinte (nerostite) spuse-n urmă,
dar primele urcând în epitafe…
Then others for the breath of words respect,
Me for my dumb thoughts, speaking in effect.
Iubeşte-n alţii vorbele-puzderii
şi-n mine numai vocile tăcerii…
William Shakespeare traducere de Gheorghe Tomozei

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