17 nov.

“Sfârşit de toamnă” de Vasile Alecsandri

Oaspeţii caselor noastre, cocostârci şi rândunele,
Părăsit-au a lor cuiburi ş-au fugit de zile rele;
Cârdurile de cocoare, înşirându-se-n lung zbor,
Pribegit-au urmărite de al nostru jalnic dor.
See, the storks and eke the swallows, of our roofs and eaves the guests,
Fearful of the days that threaten now have vanished from their nests;
And the cranes with flapping pinions ranked in orderly array,
Unheeding vain regrets are flying to the southward far away.

Vesela verde câmpie acu-i tristă, vestezită,
Lunca, bătută de brumă, acum pare ruginită;
Frunzele-i cad, zbor în aer, şi de crengi se deslipesc,
Ca frumoasele iluzii dintr-un suflet omenesc.
Now the fields are brown and barren that were erst so gaily green,
And the forests, wreath’d in vapour, bear a rusty look, I ween,
While along the woodland bye-paths tawny wind-tossed leaflets roll
Like the mournful cast-off fancies of a sorrow – stricken soul.
Din tuspatru părţi a lumei se ridică-nalt pe ceruri,
Ca balauri din poveste, nouri negri, plini de geruri.
Soarele iubit s-ascunde, iar pe sub grozavii nori
Trece-un cârd de corbi iernatici prin văzduh croncănitori.
Looming up from ev’ry quarter, black ice – laden clouds arise,
Like the dragons of the legend tearing through the gloomy skies.
Hidden is the kindly sunlight ; and, with wheeling flight on high,
Sails a flock of carrion-corbies, hoarsely croaking as they fly.
Ziua scade; iarna vine, vine pe crivăţ călare!
Vântul şuieră prin hornuri, răspândind înfiorare.
Boii rag, caii rânchează, cânii latră la un loc,
Omul, trist, cade pe gânduri şi s-apropie de foc.
Short the days; grim Winter nears us, riding on the Northern blast;
In the chimney howls the storm-cry, while the children sit aghast;
Oxen bellow, horses whinny; dogs of barking never tire,
And the weary peasants, shiv’ring, huddle closely round the tire.
Vasile Alecsandri traducere de William Beatty-Kingston

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