09 feb.
„Vântul” de Vasile Alecsandri
Vântul e copil zburdalnic, fără milă, nici mustrare, Care-mpinge-n rea furtună toate vasele pe mare, Şi, ca lupul dupa turme, se alungă după nori, Şi doboară stejari falnici şi desfoaie blânde flori. |
A merciless young rascal is the Wind. His chief delight Is to worry ships at sea with savage storms by day and night, Like a dog-wolf harrying sheep, he chases clouds and scatters showers, Lays the stately oak-trees low, and snaps the stems of fragile flowers. |
Vântul fură o scânteie şi-n girezi el o aruncă, Privind cum se perde rodul unui an întreg de muncă, Apoi merge la copile ce culeg laur de in Şi râzând le despleteşte, desmierdand albul lor sân. |
A brand he whirls aloft and drops among the farmer’s gear, Chuckling to see the flames consume the produce of a year ; Then swoops down on a group of girls — deranges all their dresses, Tears off their silken ‘kerchiefs, and their snowy necks caresses. |
În tuspatru părţi a lumei turbat vântul se tot duce, Ca păgânul pe mormânturi răsunând creştina cruce, Şi de-a moriilor blastemuri alungat, fuge nebun Pintre tufe-nţepatoare şi nuiele de alun. |
In all four quarters of the globe he blusters and he raves, Upsetting, pagan-like, the crosses set o’er Christian graves; — Pursued by curses of the dead, through brake and bush he tries To dash, all reckless of the thorns that tear him as he flies. |
Iar când el se-ntoarce-n codri, mama lui ce-l tot boceşte Zile-ntregi îl scaldă-n lapte şi de răni îl lecuieşte … – „Nu mai plânge, măiculiţă! zice el, aşa cum sânt, Când sărut ochii lor veseli, se dau fetele în vânt!” |
His abode is in the forest. There arrived, his mother dear Bathes his hurts in milk, and chides him, shedding many a bitter tear,” Weep no more, my mammy sweet,” he cries, ” I know that I have sinned — But when I kiss their pretty eyes, the girls all love the wind !” |
Vasile Alecsandri | traducere de William Beatty-Kingston |