12 ian.

„Sania” de Vasile Alecsandri

Zi cu soare, ger cu stele!… Hai, iubită, la primblare.
Caii muşcă-a lor zăbale, surugiul e călare;
Săniuţa, cuib de iarnă, e cam strimtă pentru doi…
Tu zâmbeşti?… Zâmbirea-ţi zice că e bună pentru noi.
The snow is sparkling in the sun — come, dearest, drive with me,
The horses stamp impatiently, and champ their bits with glee;
My sledge is small — a winter nest — too small, maybe, for two.
You smile, my love? That means ‘tis large enough for me and you.

Caii scutură prin aer sunătoarele lor salbe,
Răpind sania uşoară care lasă urme albe.
Surugiul chiuieşte; caii zboară ca doi zmei
Prin o pulbere de raze, prin un nour de scântei.
My geldings shake their bells, that gaily jingle through the air;
White grooves our trackers leave behind as o’er the snow they tear.
The driver shouts — our fiery steeds, obedient to his cry,
Through clouds of glitt’ ring ice-dust like two angry dragons fly.
Pe câmpia înălbită, netedă, strălucitoare
Se văd insule de codri, s-aud câni la vânătoare,
Iar în lunca pudruită cu mănunt mărgăritar
Saltă-o veveriţă mică pe o creangă de stejar.
On plains, o’er which kind Nature’s hand a fleecy sheet has flung,
Tree islands stand out darkly. Hark! The hounds are giving tongue!
Through winter’s mantle crocuses their spikes are thrusting now,
And in the woods the squirrel peeps and leaps from bough to bough.
Acum trecem prin poiene, acum trecem prin zăvoaie;
Crengile-aninate-n cale ning steluţe şi se-ndoaie.
Iată-o gingaşă mlădiţă cu şirag de mărţişori…
Tu o rupi?… Ea te stropeşte cu fulgi albi răcoritori.
‘Tis nightfall. How the watch-dogs bark! The moon begins to rise;
White branches meet above our heads; the stars look twice their size.
Frost-jewels decked the fragile spray you snatched and snapped in twain: —
But the glow upon your cheek has turned the gems to sparkling rain!
Vasile Alecsandri traducere de William Beatty-Kingston

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