08 iul.
Bill meets Doug shopping at the mall and sees he has a small gift-wrapped box.
„It’s my wife’s birthday tomorrow,” Doug said. „Last week I asked her what she wanted for her birthday.”
„And???” Bill asked.
„Well, she said ‘Oh, I don’t know, just give me something with diamonds in it’.”
„So what did you get her?” asked Bill.
Doug replies, „I bought her a deck of cards!”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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01 iul.
„What happened to you?” asked the bystander of the man lying on the sidewalk outside of the beauty parlor. The man shook his head groggily and rubbed his bruised chin.
„Last thing I remember was my wife came out of the beauty salon. I took a look at her and said, ‘Well, Honey, at least you tried,’ and then it was lights out.”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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02 mart.
„Soţii care aleg culori trebuie să aibă un bileţel scris de soţie” 

Publicat de Lucian Velea in Limba engleză, Umor
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02 nov.
„Nevastă-mea a făcut asta” 

Publicat de Lucian Velea in Limba engleză, Umor
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