08 mart.


Vocabular specific

07 ian.

Proprietate protejată

Nici nu ştii ce e mai rău :))

25 oct.

must, have to

Conversaţii uşoare

17 aug.


Bill and Doug were having a drink at the bar and Bill says, „I found my wife’s G-spot”.

Doug says, „Oh yeah?”

Bill replies, „Yep – my neighbor had it.”

21 iun.

Tongue twisters

Prezentare și exemple

23 feb.

Husband Coming Home

A husband had just arrived home from a six-month tour of duty. The husband closed the front door and immediately he and his wife were furiously making love upstairs when, suddenly, the wind slammed a door shut somewhere else in the house. The husband said jokingly, „Oh God! NO! That must be your husband coming home.”

And the wife replies without thinking, „No, don’t worry. He’s off in the Navy for six months.”

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