25 mart.

Engleza voastră curge?

Să vorbim în fraze

18 feb.

Talking about the family

Familia ca temă de discuţie la testul oral, pentru testarea IELTS

14 aug.

This is the house

Prezentarea persoanelor şi exprimarea sentimentelor

22 mart.

Magician’s Family

„What’s your father’s occupation?” asked the school secretary on the first day of the new academic year.

„He’s a magician, Ma’am,” said Little Johnny.

„How interesting. What’s his favorite trick?” she asked.

„He saws people in half,” answered Little Johnny.

„Gosh that’s exciting. Next question. Any brothers or sisters?” continued the secretary.

„Three half brothers and two half sisters.” replied Little Johnny.

14 iun.


Relaţiile dintre membrii familiei

02 nov.

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