08 ian.

Whose Fault

Police Officer: You’re definitely to blame for this car accident.
Driver: What? That other driver clearly drove into me! How can you say it’s my fault and not his?
Police Officer: Because his father is the mayor, his brother is the chief of police and I’m engaged to his sister.

11 nov.

The Family

Discuţie despre rude

05 nov.

Telling age

Exprimarea vârstei

04 nov.

The countryside

O invitație la țară

24 oct.

The Only Child

„Mum, teacher was asking me today if I have any brothers or sisters who will be coming to school.”

His mother replied, „That’s nice of her to take such an interest, dear. What did she say when you told her you are the only child?”

„She just said, ‘Thank goodness!'”

09 iul.

The Bus Stop

Conversaţie despre cum aflăm unde este staţia de autobuz sau alte locuri

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