
09 mai

Circle in the Sand

Cântecul interpretat de Belinda Carlisle

28 feb.

Sania dragostei

Cu mulţi cai :)


21 dec.

On Santa’s Lap

The kid was with Santa Claus. „I wanna have a train, a six-gun, an erector set, a chemistry set, a cowboy suit, a bicycle, a scooter, a catcher’s mitt, a set of soldiers, a toy garage with cars and trucks and a heavy crane–”

„Okay,” laughed Santa. „I’ll look in the book and see if you were a good boy.”

„Never mind looking in the book. I’ll settle for a pair of roller skates.”

29 aug.

„Mioriţa” de Vasile Alecsandri

Pe-un picior de plaiu,
Pe-o gură de raiu,
Iată vin în cale,
Se cobor la vale
Trei turme de miei
Cu trei ciobănei
Unu-i Moldovean
Unu-i Ungurean
Şi unu-i Vrâncean.
Near a low foothill
At Heaven‘s doorsill,
Where the trail‘s descending
To the plain and ending,
Here three shepherds keep
Their three flocks of sheep,
One, Moldavian,
One, Transylvanian
And one, Vrancean.

Continuare »

28 aug.

Sandale călduroase

Să nu-ţi fie frig pe plajă :)

01 aug.

„La Belle Dame Sans Merci” de John Keats

Oh what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has withered from the lake,
And no birds sing.
„Ce suferinţă, cavaler în zea.
Te face, palid, să te pierzi?
În lac rogoz şi trestii s-au uscat,
Cu păsări nu te mai dezmierzi.

Continuare »

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