10 aug.

„On the Dunes” de Sara Teasdale

If there is any life when death is over,
These tawny beaches will know much of me,
I shall come back, as constant and as changeful
As the unchanging, many-colored sea.
De este viaţă când se-ncheie moartea,
M-or recunoaşte plajele-aurii
Când, precum marea – veşnic schimbătoare
Şi veşnic ea – la ţărm voi reveni.
If life was small, if it has made me scornful,
Forgive me; I shall straighten like a flame
In the great calm of death, and if you want me
Stand on the sea-ward dunes and call my name.
Semeaţă dac-am fost, fii bun, mă iartă:
Mi s-o-ndrepta, cu moartea, duhul van.
Iar când ţi-e dor de mine, de pe dune
Tu să mă strigi, cu faţa spre ocean.
Sara Teasdale traducere de Paul Abucean

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