16 aug.

„Lucifer in Starlight” de George Meredith

On a starred night Prince Lucifer uprose.
Tired of his dark dominion swung the fiend
Above the rolling ball in cloud part screened,
Where sinners hugged their spectre of repose.
Prin aştri, noaptea, Lucifer suia.
Scârbit de schiptru-i, se rotea Cel-Rău
Între pământ şi cer, prin sumbrul tău;
Jos, omul cuipeş umbra-i săruta –
Poor prey to his hot fit of pride were those.
And now upon his western wing he leaned,
Now his huge bulk o’er Afric’s sands careened,
Now the black planet shadowed Arctic snows.
Sărman prinos trufaşului călău…
Când către veste cârmea cu aripa,
Când, stins planet, gonea spre Africa
Sau arctice zăpezi. – Hăt sus, în hău
Soaring through wider zones that pricked his scars
With memory of the old revolt from Awe,
He reached a middle height, and at the stars,
Which are the brain of heaven, he looked, and sank.
Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank,
The army of unalterable law.
Zvâcnind, şi-aduse-aminte ce răni grele
Îl ard de când vru LUI să-i pună stavili,
Şi către-al nopţii creier, către stele
Privind… se scufundă. – Pe vechi făgaşe,
În strânse rânduri-rânduri uriaşe,
Păşea oştirea neclintitei pravili.
George Meredith traducere de Tudor Dorin

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