10 dec.

„Umbra” de George Coşbuc

Dacă tu vei căuta
Să se nalţe pacinic fumul
Jertfei tale, nu uita
Că, de ai spre soare drumul,
Umbra este-n urma ta.
Your burnt offspring’s smoke will wind
Peacefully towards the skies
Only if you bear in mind
That when you go to the sun,
Your dark shadow is behind.

Rob tăcut, pe care-l cheamă
Domnul său c-un gest tăcut,
Ia aminte plin de teamă
Orice gest i-ar fi făcut
Şi de toate ţine seamă.
Silent slave whom the grim lord
Summons by a silent gesture,
He takes heed, humble and awed,
Of the slightest beckoning,
And keeps everything well scored.
Umbra-i robul, când urmezi
Drumul tău spre soare ţântă:
Nu te supăra n-o vezi;
Chipul ţi-e-n lumină sfântă,
Şi-n lumină naintezi.
He’s your bondman when your flight
Is directed to the sun;
He hurts not, he’s out of sight;
Holy rays surround your forehead,
And you do advance in light.
Dar când vii de dimpotriva
Soarelui, ea-i sfetnic rău:
Stăruind nemilostiva,
Să-nnopteze chipul tău,
Ce supărăcioasă fi-va!
But your shadow councils ill
When you leave the sun behind;
He will cloud your face until
Your keen eyes become purblind —
He is nothing but ill-will!
Umbră, soare-al jertfei fum!
De prisos mi-e tâlcul, dacă
N-ai putut să-l prinzi. Şi-acum
Poţi s-alegi! Eşti cel ce pleacă,
Eu sunt cel de mult pe drum.
Shadow, sun, shrine, smoke, and glow!
Useless is my tale, unless
You have understood it. So —
You may choose! You are just starting;
I have long been on the go.

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