12 oct.

„Din tezaurul mării” de Ion Murgeanu

Din tezaurul mării am scos
Fericirile drepţilor.
Mergeam lângă Domnul supus.
Nu-mi era foame nu-mi era frig.
Pe drum treceau vameşi.
Atunci am întrebat şi El mi-a răspuns.
Întâi de toate învaţă răbdarea.
Munţi nu s-au clintit încă din loc.
Nu am trecut cu paşii mei marea.
Deci am repetat întrebarea mirat.
Caută singur răspuns. Mi-a răspuns.
Nu vezi fericiţii acestui veac?
Toţi au ales disperarea.
I have extracted the joys of the righteous
Out of the Sea’s Treasure
I was humbly walking beside The Lord
I was not hungry I was not cold
To and fro tollhouse clerks were passing us by
And then I asked Him my question and then He answered
First and foremost thou must learn to be patient
Mounts have not yet shifted
I have not yet crossed the sea on foot
Puzzled I once anew asked my question
Seek thy own answer was His answer
Might thou not have noted nowadays happy ones?
Hopelessness is what they all have chosen
Ion Murgeanu traducere de Paul Abucean

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