09 mart.

„Dance Figure” de Ezra Pound

O woman of my dreams,
Ivory sandalled,
There is none like thee among the dancers,
None with swift feet.
Ochi negri,
O, doamnă din visu-mi,
În sandale de fildeş,
Pereche nu ai între dănţuitoare,
Nu-s glezne mai iuţi.

I have not found thee in the tents,
In the broken darkness.
I have not found thee at the well-head
Among the women with pitchers.
Thine arms are as a young sapling under the bark;
Thy face as a river with lights.
Nu te-am aflat în corturi
Prin pestriţ întuneric
Şi nici la izvoare
Printre femei cu ulcioare
Braţele tale-lujeri sub coajă;
Chipul tău-râu de lumini.
White as an almond are thy shoulders;
As new almonds stripped from the husk.
They guard thee not with eunuchs;
Not with bars of copper.
Albi ca migdalele umerii tăi;
Crude, cojite, migdale.
Nu te păzesc eunuci;
Nici gratii de-aramă.
Gilt turquoise and silver are in the place of thy rest.
A brown robe, with threads of gold woven in
patterns, hast thou gathered about thee,
O Nathat-Ikanaie, ‘Tree-at-the-river’.
Peruzele-aurite şi-argint la tine-n culcuş.
Înfăşuratu-ţi-ai negru veşmânt cu altiţe de aur
O, Nathat-Ikanaie, „Trei-lângă-râu”.
As a rillet among the sedge are thy hands upon me;
Thy fingers a frosted stream.
Thy maidens are white like pebbles;
Their music about thee!
Şipot prin trestii sunt mâinile tale asupră-mi;
Degetul, râu de răcoare.
Slugile tale-s albe ca prundul;
Alături ţi-e cântecul lor!
There is none like thee among the dancers;
None with swift feet.
Pereche n-ai între dănţuitoare;
Nu-s glezne mai iuţi.

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