19 apr.
A priest was given the job of hearing the confessions for an order of monks. The priest returned to his parish that night and complained to one of the nuns about how long each of the monks took to enumerate all of their sins.
„Oh Father,” said the nun. „It couldn’t have been that bad.”
The priest replied, „Oh it was worse than you can imagine. It was like being stoned to death with popcorn.”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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02 dec.
A minister told his congregation, „Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to read Mark 17.”
The following Sunday, the minister asked for a show of hands from those who read Mark 17. Every hand went up. The minister smiled and said, „Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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20 ian.
Noua ediţie a Oxford Junior Dictionary a eliminat 50 de termeni legaţi de natură şi viaţa la ţară şi i-a înlocuit cu termeni asociaţi cu calculatoarele şi mediul online, spre consternarea unor scriitori faimoşi care au trimis o scrisoare de protest.
În noul dicţionar nu veţi mai găsi numele a 30 de specii de plante şi animale, printre care „acorn” („ghindă”), „buttercup” („piciorul cocoşului”), „conker” („castană”), „almond” („migdală”), „blackberries” („mure”) şi „minnows” („peşti mărunţi”), ci „attachment”, „blog”, „chatroom”, „analogue”, „broadband” şi „cut-and-paste”.
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Publicat de Veronica Şerbănoiu in Limba engleză, Ştiri
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15 aug.
Mary: I’ve known this really nice man for a while now. I’m thinking of spending the weekend with him.
Jill: Mary, you know it’s a sin to engage in premarital sex.
Mary: Yeah, but it’s not premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married.
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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30 aug.
Ar putea întemeia şi o religie
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Limba engleză, Umor
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