14 iun.

„Requiescat” de Matthew Arnold

Strew on her roses, roses,
And never a spray of yew!
In quiet she reposes;
Ah, would that I did too!
Ea doarme-aici, în pace;
Ah! de-aş dormi şi eu!
Nu tisa, roza-i place –
Aduceţi-i mereu…
Her mirth the world required;
She bathed it in smiles of glee.
But her heart was tired, tired,
And now they let her be.
Când ne zâmbea voioasă
O lume veselea;
Acum uitării lasă
Toţi inima ei grea.
Her life was turning, turning,
In mazes of heat and sound.
But for peace her soul was yearning,
And now peace laps her round.
Trăia o viaţă plină
De zbucium, pătimaşe…
Dar ea râvnea hodină –
Hodina azi o-nfaşe.
Her cabin’d, ample spirit,
It flutter’d and fail’d for breath.
To-night it doth inherit
The vasty hall of death.
Bogatul Suflet care
Se stinse sugrumat
De-azi-noapte zestre are
Al Morţii larg palat.
Matthew Arnold traducere de Tudor Dorin

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