15 iun.

Looking Better

Over a pleasant evening meal, Bill, John, and Doug were discussing going to the gym and the various effects of working out.

Doug said that it was possible to get „pectoral inserts” for the „reasonable” cost of $6000.

Bill snickered, looked completely aghast and commented, „For $6000 you could get a personal trainer and get the same result without surgery.”

John replied, „For $6000 you could get a woman who doesn’t care what you look like.”

07 iun.

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11 mai

Parking Space

While walking through a parking lot, a man tripped and fell flat on his face. As he was lying there, a woman stopped her car and called out, „Are you hurt?”

„No, I’m fine,” he said, touched by her concern.

„Oh, good,” she continued. „So will you be vacating your parking space now?”

09 mart.

Women’s Intuition

Also known as ‘women’s intuition,’ this sixth sense thing is no myth. Women seem to know what’s going on in their man’s lives almost better than they do. Why is this?

Researchers discovered that women have more connections between the brain’s two hemispheres than men do. It’s these connections that allow them to put together a puzzle from seemingly unconnectable pieces.

That, and they go through all your stuff while you’re in the shower!

30 ian.


Reguli şi exemple pentru formarea pluralelor în limba engleză

29 sept.


A very large woman walks into a department store and asks a salesman, „Do you have anything I could fit into?”

„Well,” the man says, „I think I could fit you into that elevator.”

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