14 sept.

Tell Grandma the Truth

Grandma Jones took her two grandchildren to the Zoo. They enjoyed the afternoon, wandering throughout the park and admiring the different types of animals. When they came upon the cage of storks, Grandma told the youngsters that these were the birds that brought both of them to their mom and dad.

The children glanced at one another… then the oldest leaned over and whispered to the other, „Don’t you think we ought to tell Grandma the truth?”

11 apr.

„The Truth” de William Henry Davies

Since I have seen a bird one day,
His head pecked more than half-away;
That hopped about, with but one eye,
Ready to fight again, and die —
Ofttimes since then their private lives
Have spoilt that joy their music gives.
De când o pasăre-am zărit
Cu capu-aproape ciugulit,
Tot țopăind zburlită, chioară,
Cu gând să lupte și să moară,
De-atunci, când viața mă îmbie,
Nu gust întreaga bucurie.
So when I see this robin now,
Like a red apple on the bough,
And question why he sings so strong,
For love, or for the love of song;
Or sings, maybe, for that sweet rill
Whose silver tongue is never still —
Și-acum, văzând acest prigor,
Roș măr pe ramu-mbietor,
Și neștiind ce triluri scoate
De dragoste sau libertate
Sau cântă poate undei Clare
Ce curge susurând la vale,
Ah, now there comes this thought unkind,
Born of the knowledge in my mind:
He sings in triumph that last night
He killed his father in a fight;
And now he’ll take his mother’s blood —
The last strong rival for his food.
Vai, ce gând rău îmi vine-n minte,
Născut din ce-mi aduc aminte;
Își cântă fapta cugetată:
Azi-noapte ucise pe-al său tată,
Și-acum vrea sângele de mamă,
La masa lui, rival de seamă.
William Henry Davies traducere de Veronica Focșeneanu

23 dec.

calling someone’s bluff

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04 nov.

straight from the horse’s mouth

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20 dec.


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