23 aug.

„The Battle of Blenheim” de Robert Southey

It was a summer evening,
Old Kaspar’s work was done,
And he before his cottage door
Was sitting in the sun,
And by him sported on the green
His little grandchild Wilhelmine.
Amurg de vară – sfârşise
O zi istovitoare.
Bătrânul Kaspar sta pe prispă
Şi se-odihnea la soare;
Iar nepoţica alerga
Încoace,-ncolo, prin vâlcea.

Continuare »

31 aug.

„The Cataract of Lodore” de Robert Southey

“How does the water
Come down at Lodore?”
My little boy asked me
Thus once on a time;
And moreover he tasked me
To tell him in rhyme.
Anon, at the word,
There first came one daughter,
And then came another,
To second and third
The request of their brother,
And to hear how the water
Comes down at Lodore,
With its rush and its roar,
As many a time
They had seen it before.
So I told them in rhyme,
For of rhymes I had store;
And ’t was in my vocation
For their recreation
That so I should sing,
Because I was Laureate
To them and the king.
Cum vine oare apa la Lodora?
Odrasla într-o bună zi îmi cere
Să-i povestesc. Eu, vrând să-i fac plăcere,
Numaidecât s-alătură şi sora,
Şi-o altă surioară mai veni.
Şi mare fu dorinţa tuturora,
Şi toţi voiau cu orice preţ a şti
Cum se coboară apa la Lodora,
În furia şi măreţia ei,
Aşa precum o mai văzuse ei.
Deci nu mă las nici eu prea mult rugat,
Căci, îndrăgit al rimelor sonore,
Sunt şi al lor, în anumite ore,
Şi-al regelui poet laureat.

Continuare »

17 aug.

„Love Indestructible” de Robert Southey

They sin who tell us Love can die.
With life all other passions fly,
All others are but vanity.
In Heaven Ambition cannot dwell,
Nor Avarice in the vaults of Hell;
Earthly these passions of the Earth,
They perish where they have their birth;
But Love is indestructible.
Its holy flame for ever burneth,
From Heaven it came, to Heaven returneth;
Too oft on Earth a troubled guest,
At times deceived, at time opprest,
It here is tried and purified,
Then hath in Heaven its perfect rest:
It soweth here with toil and care,
But the harvest time of Love is there.
Numai iubirea este de neînfrânt,
Când alte patimi, dor, plăceri, avânt,
Toate deşertăciune sunt,
Ambiţia în ceruri n-are vad,
Nici calicia-n hrubele din iad.
Ţărână-s pasiunile de lut
Şi pier în clipa-n care s-au născut.
Iubirea însă e dăinuitoare –
Sfinţita-i flacără în veci nu moare;
Din rai coboară şi se-ntoarce-n rai.
Ea pe pământul nostru prea ades
E-un oaspe trist, trădat sau nenţeles;
Aici se limpezeşte-a ei lumină
Şi dobândeşte-odihnă-n cer deplină.
Jos ea doar seamănă, trudind nespus,
Dar vremea ei de seceriş e sus.
Robert Southey traducere de Leon Leviţchi

10 aug.

„The Well of St. Keyne” de Robert Southey

A well there is in the West country,
And a clearer one never was seen;
There is not a wife in the West country
But has heard of the Well of St. Keyne.
În ţara de apus e-un puţ
Cu apă de cleştar, pe nume
Fântâna Sfintei Keyne; şi-l ştie
Întreaga femeiască lume.

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