12 iun.

This is my brother

Relaţii de familie şi de apartenenţă

08 feb.

First Date

Doug: I know you’re crazy about that little daughter of yours. What are you going to do when she starts to date?

Bill: I figure I’ll take the first young man aside, put my arm around his shoulder, and pull him close to me so that only he can hear. Then I’ll say, „Do you see that sweet, little young lady? She’s my only daughter, and I love her very much. If you were thinking about touching, kissing, or being physically affectionate to her in any way, just remember this: I don’t mind going back to prison.”

15 iun.

Daughter in College

The farm had been mortgaged, and gladly, to give daughter a college education. Now, driving home from the station after meeting her at the train, farmer Johnson was greatly disturbed when his daughter whispered, „I have a confession to make, Paw – I ain’t a virgin no more.”

The old man shook his head sadly. „After all the sacrifices your Maw and I made to give you a good education, you still say ain’t!”

14 iun.


Relaţiile dintre membrii familiei

02 nov.

Genul substantivelor

Diferenţe lingvistice

27 ian.

Suntem o familie

Îmbogăţirea vocabularului

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