10 nov.

Suprema performanţă în viaţă

Să nu-ţi vină să crezi :))

17 mai

De ce este pronunţia atât de ciudată în engleză?

Un răspuns complicat

10 feb.

New Hobby

Mrs. Smith pulled Mrs. Jones out of earshot of the porch, where Mrs. Jones’ lovely young daughter, Linda, sat. „It is really none of my business,” whispered Mrs. Smith, „but have you noticed what your daughter is doing?”

„Why, no. Is she up to anything special?”

Mrs. Smith leaned closer. „Haven’t you noticed? She has started knitting tiny garments!”

Mrs. Jones’ troubled brow cleared. „Well, thank goodness,” she said smiling, „at last she has taken an interest in something besides running around with boys.”

18 sept.

Bad Girls

The mother was concerned that perhaps her daughter was not only not quite as chaste as she should be, but lately, didn’t even seem to be selective. Trying to open a conversation on the subject of morals she asked, „Susan, do you know where bad girls go?”

„Sure Mom.” the daughter replied. „Anywhere they want…!”

18 feb.

Talking about the family

Familia ca temă de discuţie la testul oral, pentru testarea IELTS

15 aug.

This is your nephew

Pronumele relative

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