21 mai

„Phyllida and Corydon” de Nicholas Breton

In the merry month of May,
In a morn by break of day
Forth I walk’d by the woodside
Whenas May was in his pride;
There I spyed all alone,
Phyllida and Corydon.
Much ado there was, God wot!
He would love and she would not.
She said, never man was true;
He said, none was false to you.
He said, he had loved her long;
She said, Love should have no wrong.
Corydon would kiss her then;
She said, maids must kiss no men
Till they did for good and all;
Then she made the shepherd call
All the heavens to witness truth
Never loved a truer youth.
Thus with many a pretty oath,
Yea and nay, and faith and troth,
Such as silly shepherds use
When they will not Love abuse,
Love, which had been long deluded,
Was with kisses sweet concluded;
And Phyllida, with garlands gay,
Was made the Lady of the May.
La ceas vesel de florar,
Zorii când abia răsar,
Pe sub crâng o apucai
Să mă plimb în toi de mai;
Şi ce văd într-un cotlon?
Phillida şi Coridon.
Vai, ce zarvă! El voia
Drăgăleală; dânsa, ba.
Ea: Bărbaţii nu au inemi…
El: Făţarnic nu-ţi fu nimeni…
El zicea că-i drag de ea
Ea: Fii blând cu dragostea…
Coridon s-o pupe vru;
Ea, lui: Nu se cade, nu,
Dacă nu-i pe totdeauna…
Şi-a chemat păstoru-ntr-una
Cerul, martor drept să-i fie
Că nu-i dor cu viclenie –
…Tot cu „hai” şi „ba” şi „zău”,
Şi cu „sunt cinstit flăcău”
Cum prostuţii baci ştiu spune
Când iubesc cu gânduri bune,
Şi-au pus dragostei pecete
Cu-n sărut pe îndelete.
Şi-a ajuns Phillida, iată,
Doamna Mai, încununată.
Nicholas Breton traducere de Tudor Dorin

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