
06 dec.

Great Parents

Two kids are talking to each other. One says, „I’m really worried. My dad works twelve hours a day to give me a nice home and good food. My mom spends the whole day cleaning and cooking for me. I’m worried sick!”

The other kid says, „What have you got to worry about? Sounds to me like you’ve got it made!”

The first kid says, „What if they try to escape?”

15 nov.

Get Ready

Cântecul interpretat de The Temptations

25 oct.

Real Estate

„This house,” said the real estate salesman, „has both its good points and its bad points. To show you I’m honest, I’m going to tell you about both. The disadvantages are that there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse a block north.”

„What are the advantages?” inquired the prospective buyer.

„The advantage is that you can always tell which way the wind is blowing.”

18 oct.

În aşteptarea unui loc

Umor de restaurant :))

09 oct.

Stânga – dreapta

Unii le încurcă :))

08 oct.

Oportunitate pentru elevii de liceu de a studia 1 an în Marea Britanie

Junior Achievement România împreuna cu Headmasters’ & Headmistresses’ Conference organizează în România o nouă ediţie a programului de burse HMC – Projects in Central and Eastern Europe.

Anual, prin participarea la program, 50 de elevi din 13 ţări din Europa Centrală şi de Est (Bosnia-Herţegovina, Bulgaria, Croaţia, Republica Cehă, Estonia, Georgia, Republica Moldova, Muntenegru, Polonia, România, Serbia, Slovacia şi Ucraina) au oportunitatea de a studia în Marea Britanie.

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