06 feb.

„Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii” de Lucian Blaga

Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii
şi nu ucid
cu mintea tainele, ce le-ntâlnesc
în calea mea
în flori, în ochi, pe buze ori morminte.
Lumina altora
sugrumă vraja nepătrunsului ascuns
în adâncimi de întuneric,
dar eu,
eu cu lumina mea sporesc a lumii taină —
şi-ntocmai cum cu razele ei albe luna
nu micşorează, ci tremurătoare
măreşte şi mai tare taina nopţii,
aşa îmbogăţesc şi eu întunecata zare
cu largi fiori de sfânt mister
şi tot ce-i ne-nţeles
se schimbă-n ne-nţelesuri şi mai mari
sub ochii mei —
căci eu iubesc
şi flori şi ochi şi buze şi morminte.
I do not crush the petal cup of magic of the world
nor do I kill
with reason the mystery I meet
on my way
in flowers, in eyes, on lips, in graves.
The light of others
strangles the inexplicable spell hidden
in the depth of darkness.
But I
who add with my own light to the magic of the world
and as the moon‘s white rays
not diminishing but trembling
make even greater the mystery of night
so I increase the shadowy horizon
with wide shivers of holy mystery
and everything not yet understood
changes into things even less understood
before my eyes
because I love
flowers, eyes, lips and graves.
Lucian Blaga traducere de R. MacGregor-Hastie

1 comentariu la “„Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii” de Lucian Blaga”

  1. 1
    florin spune:

    Am incercat si eu o adaptare a acestei poezii.
    Daca are cineva sugestii postati un reply.

    I do not crush the wonder aura of the world
    nor do I kill
    with reason the mystery I meet
    on my life journey
    in flowers, in eyes, on lips or graves.
    The light of others
    only strangles the spell of the unperfused abstruse
    in depths of darkness,
    but I,
    I elevate with my light this world’s abstruse
    just as the moon with her white rays
    does not diminish, but trembling
    only increases the mystery of the night,
    so I elevate the gloomy horizon
    with wide shivers of sacred mystery
    and everything that is not understood
    becomes even less understood
    before my eyes –
    For I love
    flowers and eyes and lips and graves.
    Lucian Blaga

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