03 mai
Elizabeth was nervous as she took the wheel for her first driving lesson. As she was pulling out of the parking lot, the instructor said, „Turn left here, and don’t forget to let the people behind you know what you’re doing.”
Elizabeth turned to the students sitting in the backseat and announced, „I’m going left.”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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03 mai
A guest at dinner noticed the small family dog looking hungrily at every bite she took.
Finally she took a small piece of meat from her plate and held it up for him. „Speak!” she said to the dog.
The dog says, „Under the circumstances, I hardly know what to say!”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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03 mai
Dacă nu-şi repară firma, par să strice case
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Limba engleză, Umor
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02 mai
Dar pentru apostrof cine este responsabil?
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Greşeli, Limba engleză, Umor
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30 apr.
Cu vanilie e şi mai bun
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Limba engleză, Umor
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