A fine funeral was ordered for a woman who had henpecked her husband, driven her kids half nuts, scrapped with the neighbors at the slightest opportunity, and even made neurotics of the cat and dog with her explosive temper.
As the casket was lowered into the grave, a violent thunderstorm broke, and the pastor’s benediction was drowned out by a blinding flash of lightning, followed by terrific thunder.
„Well,” commented one of the mourners, „sounds like she got where she was going.”
* faţă-n faţă apare ca noutate, locuţiune adverbială
* a faţeta este verb cu indicativul prezent el faţetează
! faună se desparte fa-u-nă, substantiv feminin cu genitiv-dativul faunei, care îşi pierde forma de plural. Din aceeaşi familie lexicală, se adaugă *faunistic (fa-u-nis-tic), adjectiv masculin cu pluralul faunistici şi femininul faunistică-faunistice.
* favelă apare ca noutate, substantiv feminin cu genitiv-dativul favelei şi pluralul favele, referindu-se la „cartier de cocioabe din America Latină”