27 mai

Două modalități de a pronunța articolul the

Prezentare și pronunție

14 ian.

Perechi de cuvinte pronunţate diferit

Cum se diferenţiază

31 iul.

Când simţi un gol în stomac

În loc de o tărie… :))

27 iul.

New Bra

A scientist in Australia has invented a bra, which offers more support and prevents a woman’s breasts from bouncing up and down.

After announcing his invention, the scientist was taken outside and beaten by a large group of men.

07 iun.

Descrierea unei imagini

Prezentare și exemple

11 mai

Parking Space

While walking through a parking lot, a man tripped and fell flat on his face. As he was lying there, a woman stopped her car and called out, „Are you hurt?”

„No, I’m fine,” he said, touched by her concern.

„Oh, good,” she continued. „So will you be vacating your parking space now?”

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