12 mart.


Vocabular din filme

30 ian.


Reguli şi exemple pentru formarea pluralelor în limba engleză

23 ian.

Nimeni nu-i bărbat ca şefu’

Mai lipseşte una-alta :))


15 sept.

Club pentru oameni mari

Mari e puţin spus :))

17 apr.

Bărbat amabil

Dacă intri peste el, s-ar putea să-i treacă :D

06 ian.

Rest Home

Aunt Mary, a spinster of 92, had finally consented to go to a rest home, but strictly on a two-week-trial basis. Consequently, she took a small overnight case with only the bare essentials.

A couple of days later her niece was surprised to get a phone call from her demanding more clothes.

„Please bring me that good black silk, my lavender print, the brown wool…” and she went on and on.

Finally after a brief questioning from her niece, Aunt Mary expostulated: „There are MEN in this place!”

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