21 ian.

„Sonnet I” de Samuel Daniel

Fair is my Love and cruel as she’s fair;
Her brow-shades frown, although her eyes are sunny,
Her smiles are lightning, though her pride despair,
And her disdains are gall, her favours honey:
A modest maid, deck’d with a blush of honour,
Whose feet do tread green paths of youth and love;
The wonder of all eyes that look upon her,
Sacred on earth, design’d a Saint above.
Chastity and Beauty, which were deadly foes,
Live reconcilèd friends within her brow;
And had she Pity to conjoin with those,
Then who had heard the plaints I utter now?
For had she not been fair, and thus unkind,
My Muse had slept, and none had known my mind.
Frumoasă-i Doamna mea precât de crudă;
Se-încruntă des, deşi privirea-i râde;
Trufaş zâmbind, nădejdi surâsu-i nu dă;
E miere-alintu-i, dar dispreţul – gâde.
Podoabă – cinstea sa; sfioasa fată,
Călcând poteca dragostei, încântă
Toţi ochii care către dânsa cată:
Cum pe pământ, şi-n cer ea fi-va sfântă.
Frumseţea şi fetia, vechi vrăjmaşe,
Făptura ei le-împacă foarte bine;
Iar dac-ar şti şi-n milă să le-înfaşe,
Au nu s-ar stinge-atunci prelungi suspine?
Dar, Doamna mea de n-ar fi fost şi rea,
Nicicui cât sufăr Muza-mi nu spunea.
Samuel Daniel traducere de Tudor Dorin

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