25 mai

At an airport

Conversaţie între călători

04 feb.

Dentist’s office

Conversaţie în sala de aşteptare la dentist

02 aug.

Wrong Language

Jill decided to take a trip to Australia. She booked herself on a bus tour, and noticed that a lot of signs were in English and in the Aboriginal language, which her guide carefully pronounced.

Eagerly, Jill offered to try and pronounce the next sign she saw. As the next sign came up, Jill read aloud, „Riff-ley rang-gee. Is that right?”

„Well,” said the tour guide, „I would have said rifle range.”

11 iul.

Single trip or day trip?

Întrebări cu răspunsuri descriptive

30 dec.

Long Trip

This drunk gets on a bus and asks the driver how long the trip is between Limerick and Cork.

“About two hours,” says the conductor.

„OK,” says the drunk „then how long is the trip between Cork and Limerick?”

The irate driver says to the drunk „It’s still about two hours. Why’d you think there’d be a difference?”

„Well,” says the drunk, „It’s only a week between Christmas and New Year, but it’s a long time between New Year and Christmas!”

27 apr.

Sherlock Holmes

Naraţiune şi vocabular

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