27 ian.

How about some…?

Invitaţie la masă

06 nov.

Bell’s Laboratory

The scene: Alexander Graham Bell’s laboratory. An exciting new discovery is about to take place.

In the next room sits Bell’s assistant, a man named Watson, hard at work on Bell’s new invention to transmit sound over wires.

As Mr. Watson toiled away in the room with the receiver, it suddenly rings — it must be Bell!

He picks it up and hears: „Good evening, sir. Are you paying too much for your long distance service?”

14 oct.

At the Garage

Cu maşina la reparat

01 ian.

Telephone Conversation

Conversație telefonică

25 dec.


Discuţie despre alegerile prezidențiale

04 nov.

The countryside

O invitație la țară

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