03 iul.


Scurtă conversaţie despre hobby-uri

10 ian.

Church Choir

A man, who couldn’t sing, refused to quit the church choir despite hints that he could serve in other capacities. When the choir director had all he could take, he demanded that the pastor get rid of him. „If you don’t, I’m going to resign and so will the other choir members,” the director said.

When the pastor suggested the man leave the choir, the fellow asked, „Why should I?”

„Well,” said the pastor, „four or five people have told me you can’t sing.”

„That’s nothing,” the man snorted. „Fifty people have told me you can’t preach!”

17 oct.

Watching birds

Prezentul continuu şi trecutul continuu, pentru testarea IELTS

11 iul.

Cuvinte care se termină în „ng”

Exemple pentru pronunţia în engleză

20 sept.

Ascultaţi şi cântaţi

Una dintre cele mai plăcute modalităţi de a exersa o limbă străină

25 mart.

Th şi S

Diferenţa dintre cele două sunete

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