23 ian.

Grammatical range in the speaking test

Limbajul necesar pentru a face comparaţii şi a pune în opoziţie, pentru testarea IELTS

03 apr.

Perechi de adjective

Explicaţii şi exemple

11 ian.

Bank Robbers

The bank robbers had tied and gagged the bank cashier after extracting the combination to the safe and had herded the other employees into a separate room under guard.

After they had rifled the safe and were about to leave, the cashier made desperate pleading noises through the gag. Moved by curiosity, one of the burglars loosed the gag.

„Please,” whispered the cashier, „take the books, too. I’m $8,500 short.”

18 oct.

Pericol de alunecare

Cum numai ei ştiu să o spună :))

15 nov.

Transport în siguranţă

Cam prea încrezători :D

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