19 oct.

Discuţii mărunte

Exemple despre diferite evenimente

20 sept.


Fraze uzuale despre vreme

22 mart.

Months, Seasons & Weather

Prezentare şi exemple

02 oct.

Watering the Plants

During a tour at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, a New York City woman mentioned that she was raising a type of cactus in a pot on her apartment balcony. Another tourist asked her how she kept from watering it too much, because the cactus would die if overwatered.

„I subscribe to the Tucson newspaper,” replied the New Yorker. „Every time I read that it rained in the desert, I give my plant some water.”

10 iun.

Wet Weather

Vocabular specific climei umede

19 sept.

Blonde in a Storm

Kate, the blonde, is at her friend’s house. It starts to rain very heavily. Her friend tells her to spend the night at her house and go home the next day. When she hears this, Kate rushes out the door and comes back a while later totally drenched and carrying a small shopping bag.

Her friend asks „Where did you run off to?”

„I went home to get my pajamas!”

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