22 sept.

Controlul de securitate

Cum se procedează la aeroport

30 oct.

Something Religious

A plane full of retirees headed for Florida was gripped with fear when the pilot announced, „Two of our engines are on fire; we are flying through a heavy fog, and it has eliminated all our visibility.”

The passengers were numb with fear, except for one… a retired minister. „Now, now, keep calm,” he said. „Let’s all bow our heads and pray.”

Immediately, the group bowed their heads to pray… except one man. „Why aren’t you bowing your head to pray?” the minister asked.

„I don’t know how to pray,” replied the passenger.

„Well, just do something religious!” instructed the minister.

The man got up and passed his hat down the aisle, taking an offering.

11 sept.

First Flight

It was Judi’s first plane trip. Boarding the aircraft she settled into a window seat in the non-smoking section. A man came over and politely said, „Ma’am, you’re in my seat.”

„Go away and find another seat!” Judi replied.

He said, „Okay, fine, you fly the plane.”

21 mai

Meet for coffee

Conversaţie la cafea

08 oct.


Discuţie despre călătoria cu avionul

30 mai

Play Outside

A stewardess was getting very annoyed by three little children on the plane. They had been bugging her since take-off, complaining that they were hungry or bored or tired or thirsty or needed to go to the bathroom and whatever else you could imagine a small child commenting and complaining about.

Well, the stewardess had had enough. The next time the children said that they were bored, the stewardess told them to go play outside.

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