30 dec.

Weight Loss

Conversație despre pierderea în greutate

01 oct.

At the Restaurant

Discuţie la restaurant

25 mart.

Engleza voastră curge?

Să vorbim în fraze

04 dec.


Cum vorbim despre propria persoană, pentru testarea IELTS

10 oct.


Limbajul folosit pentru a descrie procese, inclusiv semnalele de tranziție, pentru testarea IELTS

23 aug.

At Library

A man walks up to the main desk a library and says in a loud commanding voice to the librarian, „I’ll take two hamburgers, no mayonnaise, and an order of fries”.

The librarian looks up at him, shocked. Summoning up all the testy authority she can, she says to him, „Sir, this is a library!”

The man pauses for only a split second and then leans over close to her, cups his hand over his mouth so as to direct his voice only to her ear, and whispers, „I’ll take two hamburgers, no mayonnaise, and an order of fries”.

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