02 dec.

Sin of Lying

A minister told his congregation, „Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to read Mark 17.”

The following Sunday, the minister asked for a show of hands from those who read Mark 17. Every hand went up. The minister smiled and said, „Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.”

30 oct.

Something Religious

A plane full of retirees headed for Florida was gripped with fear when the pilot announced, „Two of our engines are on fire; we are flying through a heavy fog, and it has eliminated all our visibility.”

The passengers were numb with fear, except for one… a retired minister. „Now, now, keep calm,” he said. „Let’s all bow our heads and pray.”

Immediately, the group bowed their heads to pray… except one man. „Why aren’t you bowing your head to pray?” the minister asked.

„I don’t know how to pray,” replied the passenger.

„Well, just do something religious!” instructed the minister.

The man got up and passed his hat down the aisle, taking an offering.

21 mart.


During the church service, the minister invited the young children to join him near the altar for the „Children’s Moments Sermon”.

One day, with seven small children in attendance, he spoke about the ingredients required to make up a church, using a chocolate-chip cookie as an example. He explained to the children that, as with a cookie requiring ingredients such as sugar and eggs, the church needed ingredients to make up the congregation.

Holding a cookie aloft, he asked, „If I took the chocolate chips out of this cookie, what would I have?”

Little Johnny raised his hand. „Six less grams of fat,” he replied.

22 mai

Un discurs oficial

Structură, intonaţie şi formulări specifice

07 iul.

Cuvinte care încep cu literele G, H, I, J, K, L, M

Cum se pronunţă şi unele exemplificări

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