15 feb.

At the airport

Scurtă conversație când întâmpini o rudă

04 ian.

Relaţia subiect-predicat

Prezentare şi exemple

20 aug.

Checking Out of the Hotel

Plecarea de la hotel

25 apr.

Substantivele nenumărabile în limba engleză

Prezentare şi exemple

15 dec.

Carry-on Luggage

Explaining luggage regulations to passengers can be aggravating for flight attendants. One day a woman tried to board with an enormous bag. The lead flight attendant told her why it would not fit, but the woman argued that her bag was a carry-on because it had wheels and a handle.

Without blinking the attendant said, „My Ford has wheels and a handle, but that doesn’t make it a carry-on.”

09 mart.

Substantive nenumărabile

Prezentare şi reguli de folosire

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