23 apr.

Să citim orice

Engleza este prezentă peste tot în mediul înconjurător

31 dec.

General task writing

Indicii despre cum să scriem o scrisoare, pentru testarea IELTS

06 dec.

Când rămâi fără litere

Apel disperat :)

24 aug.


A woman, married to a Navy Pilot, inquired about an increase in their monthly allotment for living quarters, because rents near the Station where he was based were so high. She received the following letter back:

„Class Q allotments are based upon the number of dependents, up to a maximum of three. If the birth of a child will mean your husband is entitled to more quarters allowance, notify him to take the necessary action.”

14 apr.

Scrierea de scrisori

Formule de început şi încheiere, utile şi pentru testarea IELTS

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