29 mart.

Sunetele /l/ şi /r/ în limba engleză

Explicaţii şi exemple de pronunţie

10 mart.

Woman Driver

A truck driver tried to edge his semi past the lady driver on the road ahead of him as she was obviously having difficulty deciding which lane she wanted to be in. Finally, her mind made up, the woman veered into the truck driver’s lane and jammed on her brakes, which resulted in a slight collision.

Unhurt but obviously harried, the lady driver rushed over to the truck driver and started to bawl him out, barking, „You knew I was going to do something idiotic. Why didn’t you stop to wait and see what it was?”

09 ian.

Problemă de logică

Tocmai bună să-ţi începi ziua :))

right lane

29 iul.

O stradă lăturalnică

Este vorba despre săpăligi, desigur :D

hoes lane

27 aug.

Orientarea în spaţiu

Cum să ghidăm pe cineva şi să fim ghidaţi

10 oct.

Fluidizarea traficului

O soluţie tare :))

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