13 aug.

You were going too fast

Avertismente şi trecutul continuu

01 mai

Discuţii la obiect

Exprimarea punctului de vedere la şedinţă

05 dec.

Past Simple şi Present Perfect în întrebări

Să evităm confuziile

10 oct.

Present Perfect

Cum să folosim acest timp

10 apr.

Liniştea este necesară

Mesajul unui pastor :)

03 feb.


Winters are fierce where he lives, so the owner of the estate felt he was doing a good deed when he bought earmuffs for his foreman.

Noticing, however, that the foreman wasn’t wearing the earmuffs even on the bitterest day, the landlord asked, „Didn’t you like the muffs?”

The foreman said, „They’re a thing of beauty.”

„Why don’t you wear them?”

The foreman explained, „I was wearing them the first day, and somebody offered to buy me a drink, but I didn’t hear him!”

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