07 ian.

Proprietate protejată

Nici nu ştii ce e mai rău :))

28 sept.

Grieving Widow

A lawyer was trying to console a weeping widow. Her husband had passed away without a will. „Did the deceased have any last words?” asked the lawyer.

„You mean right before he died?” sobbed the widow.

„Yes,” replied the lawyer. „They might be helpful if it’s not too painful for you to recall.”

„Well,” she began, „he said ‘Don’t try to scare me! You couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with that gun.'”

20 iun.

Câine de pază

Nu te pui cu nebunu’ :))

dog has a gun

03 iul.

Două dintr-un foc

Combinaţie mortală :D

double shot

09 sept.

Magazin cu de toate

Vede cineva logica? :))

08 aug.

Magazin de arme

Pentru împuşcături creştineşti :D

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