23 nov.

Back in Style

At her grandparents 50th wedding anniversary, Jill was looking through a photo album of their marriage ceremony. „Grandma, so many of these styles have come back over the years,” she commented.

Grandma never hesitated. „That’s why I’ve kept Grandpa all this time,” she said. „I know he’ll be back in style again one of these days.”

03 oct.

Punctuaţia salvează vieţi!

Un exemplu elocvent :))

24 iun.

Life of Animals

Little Johnny and his little sister are reading the book „Life of Animals”. Suddenly, they jump from the couch and run to their grandmother.

„Grandma, grandma, can you have children?” they asked.

„Oh my dear, of course not.” she replied.

Johnny turns to his little sister and says triumphantly, „I told you she is a male!!!”

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