08 mai

Chasing the Girls

When Mr. Johnson had reached the age of seventy-five, he suddenly began chasing the young chicks.

A neighbor brought this behavior to the attention of his wife. „What are you gonna do about it?” she asked.

„Who cares?” said Mrs. Johnson. „Let him chase girls! Dogs chase cars — but when they catch them, they can’t drive!”

25 iul.

Peanut Butter

The 13-year-old had a beau, but it seemed he hung out at her house more for the food than romance.

One afternoon the girl told her mother, „Harry seems more interested in food than me. Is there any kind of perfume that smells like peanut butter?”

11 iun.

Vocala /ɜ:/ din cuvântul „bird”

Prezentare și exemple

23 aug.

E fetiţă!

Cel puţin două greşeli în doar câteva litere :D

14 iun.


Relaţiile dintre membrii familiei

07 iun.

Plurarul substantivelor neregulate

Exemple uzuale

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