29 sept.

At the Post Office

Să expediem un colet

13 nov.


Discuţie despre aniversarea zilei de naştere

28 mart.

Hotel Surprise

The last time John checked into a New York hotel, he opened the door to his room and found a pair of beautiful twenty-one-year-old naked twins stretched out on the bed.

„Surprise,” the twins said in unison, „we’re a gift from your friend Dave.”

„Young ladies,” he said, „I am one of the most respected men in my field. I have been married for twenty years. I have a wonderful family that I love very much. I have never been touched by a word of scandal; my good name is above reproach. I am sorry, but one of you will have to leave!”

23 dec.

Povestea Crărciunului

Origine, simboluri şi vocabular specific

13 mai

5 moduri de a răspunde afirmativ

Fără a folosi cuvântul „yes”

24 dec.

Moş Crăciun la britanici

Scurt istoric şi vocabular

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